Sunday, May 30, 2010

coolin' by day, then at night: workin' up a sweat

i'm listening to 'Push It' by Salt N PEPA!

you're welcome =]

Anyways, i want to have bangs again, but i'm not sure what kind to get, help me!


ONLY LOOKING AT BANGS! which one do you like the best?

Saturday, May 29, 2010

6 Days

So my brother's graduation from Bootcamp is June 4th in Georgia...that's like a 14 or 12 hour drive, we are leaving--the first and will not be back until the 6th--I.Will.DIE!! 6 days with my family, we already don't get a long and what makes it worse...NO LAPPY! this means my MP3 player, the only thing rather than books that will keep me sane will DIE very fast...and i guess we are going in an RV. On the plus side, I am bringing my guitar and when we stop for the night, i am going to go for a walk and go panhandle..maybe. I loaned my copy of "Under the Overpass" to Josh, i am going to miss it. I just put all my pictures from the end of schoolish time up-i miss you-whoever is reading this...but i am assuming either Bri or Brock...I wish I had a car! <---needs to happen again!
I wish I don't know..BUT i don't really have anything interesting to write about, maybe when I get back I will, pray I don't rip all my hair out! haha

Thursday, May 27, 2010


i had another crazy movie-like dream
i was on this train thing and there were a ton of people on it, and i saw brock, kris, and probably chuck (i don't really remember) and i was like, oh i'll go sit with them, but then i saw an empty row and THEN i saw KEVIN DURAND sitting in the next row, so i was like HELLZ YEAH! i
m gonna go sit with him. and i did and he acted like we were good friends and he had his arm around me, and i turned back to say something to the guys.
A weird thing about the train was that at certain times, the gravity would go out of something, and the whole thing would start spinning, and everyone was jumping around and landing all over the place, but no one got hurt somehow, but after the first jump was over, i went back to my seat and BIG FAT ANSON'S STALKER (i'm not gonna put her name on hurr, because that would be weird) and stacey were sitting in the row with Kevin, and he was sitting on the ledge of the window because he didnt want to sit with them, and i went over and TRIED to get them to move, but they wouldn't so the jumping kept happening and every time someone was in my seat.
then after a while, i went outside, and it was like a house party now, and there was a guy standing outside (it was dark) and another guy was under the hood of his car and as i was walking back to the house, i saw the one guy pull a switchblade out, and iw as like OMYGEE, and he killed the guy and i was trying to get into the house, but i couldnt and i knew he was going to come after me, buti heard him kill two other people before i got inside. and soon after that the party ended
some people were going to do onto another parrty train (including me) so when everyone went outside they saw the dead people and i just pretended to be scared, but i already knw who the guy was. i saw the kid walking onto the new train and i was like crap! so i tried to walk slow so taht he wouldnt be alone with me on the train, but everyone else was going slower, and when we got on the train he was like if you tell people i did it, i'm going to make sure kevin wont date you! and for some reason that was a real threat lol. so i didnt tell, then i woke up.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

that picture describes how i feel today
work was crap today, i hate it.
after work i decided to go jog FINALLY.
i decided to run 7 minutes like i said, but when i started running i remembered that i haven't ran in a long time, so i only ran 4 minutes...HA.
i suck
but i still love dave.

Saturday, May 22, 2010


i know i already posted something last night, but i had to put something up as soon as i woke up because i had a crazy dream:
Brock and i were a part of some team that had to go around and kill people or kidnap them, and then was this one kid that we had to get, and i wasn't having it. so i decided to save the kid, and i did, but when i did, brock turned on me and was chasing me through this building. and i finally found stairs and was running down them and brock started chasing me down them, but then somehow he got a hold of the buckets that i use for work, and he was throwing them at me as i was running, two of them were empty, but one of the was full of water, but the water only splashed on me, then as i was about to get to the bottom of the stairs and run out the building, brock yelled "I hope you know this means you're fired!!!!" and even though it sounds lame, it was super sad in my dream and i whispered "...i know.."
Then i ran outside, and i was like .. dang dude, i'm in a huge city that i know nothing about ... what do i do?! but i kept running because i didn't want brock and them to find me, and i ran into this alley, and there was this homeless guy there, but he was like a mix between the Dr. Who
that just got replaced, and Gambit from the comics, not the wolverine movie.. he was gay. Anyways, he became my partner, and somehow we heard that brock's group was going to go after another kid at this party, and me and Dr. Gambit, went to save the kid, and when we got there, we found my cousin and my aunt and a bunch of my family and people that used to go to marshall church, and i noticed that we WERE at marshall church.
Then, you know how dreams suddenly change direction, well mine changed from trying to save someone's life, to trying to get a job. but it was still DIRE! i don't remember much after this, but i know that instead of one of the walls in the sanctuary, there was a set a bleachers with the back of them facing the sanctuary, so that kids were under the bleachers, facing the the pews, you know? except it was weirder because it seemed to be elevated, and the kids seemed to be in high school, but the guys were making catcalls at me. And in the end i got a job working for grandpa at marshall church, but that is weird because grandpa lives at Naz Acres...
ANYWAYS, it is a nice day today and i woke up very early, because of being used to waking up at 6, but i fell back asleep, which was kind of hard because i had to pee REALLY bad, but i did. then i was kind of awake and dreaming most of the morning, because i remember wishing i had another blanket, then thinking i put another one in, then realizing i didn't, OHH! but i did finally have my first "summer" wake up, then i woke up sweaty... HA.
It is nice today so i will jog or see if my mom wants to walk with me, then i will come back and post what i did.

Friday, May 21, 2010

have mercy tercy!

dear terce,
in honor of brock going to wisconsin and not reading this tonight, i decided to put up pictures of attractive males and look-a-likes.

<---same guy---> freakin hot in both pictures
Ronaldo, duh.
John Travolta will always be my celebrity crush
eric dane is a close second
ARMS, good god!
this guy totally looks like Jordan Bergren

this race car driver totally looks like Sylar from Heroes

this guy totally looks like vanessa hudgens

the model with the beautiful eyes totally looks like mike yankowski

this guy totally looks like gerard butler body and all
this guy isn't hot or a look-a-like, but i think he should have played gambit in the wolverine movie.

i hope you enjoyed this at least a little bit. i miss you and i love you!

Thursday, May 20, 2010

The first 96 hours...

<----THAT is Tony Bonello, and i want to BONEllo him. He is amazing, but i suck because i haven't actually ran this week at all. but i have a good reason: i have to work from 7 in the morning to 3:30 in the afternoon, so when i get home i feel like dying. Also, monday and tuesday afternoon, it was raining too much to go running. Yesterday i was just lazy and today it is raining again. Anyways, look at the picture of Hot-Tony and forget all about me